• H&Y REVORING fixed ND has a selection of ND4, ND8, ND16 or ND400 strengths
• To eliminate the ‘X’ effect seen with VND filters when used together with ultra wide lenses at higher ND factors
• Reduce the VND factor back below where the ‘X’ effect is seen, and then apply the fixed ND filter to have the combined light reduction you require for the desired image effect
• Available in filter thread 46-62mm, 58-77mm & 67-82mm
Can also be used on the front of the CPL only REVORING for longer exposures
• Magnetically attached to the surface of REVORING (purchased separately)
• Compatible with REVORING Magnetic Case / Caps
H&Y ND8 (3 EV Stops) Magnetic Clip-on Filter for REVORING (67-82mm)
£107.50 £75.25 ex VAT
3 in stock
SKU: RMN8-82
Categories: REVORING, Revoring Magnetic Clip-on Filters
Tags: 2EV, 3EV, 46-62mm, 4EV, 58-77mm, 67-82MM, 8.5 EV, BUILT-IN, camera filter, Centre Grad, CGND, circular filter, circular polariser, circular polarizer, CLIP-ON, CPL, double sided coating, Filter, filter adaptor, filter frame, filter ring, Filters, Glass, GND, GND16, GND32, GND8, gorilla glass, Graduated filter, H and Y, H&Y, handy, hard, hard GND, hard grad, hardened, HD, HD MRC, heat treated, HY filters, K Series, LANDSCAPE, landscape filter, lens filter, MAGNET, Magnetic, microfibre, MRC, multi-coating, ND, ND1000, ND16, ND1k, ND3, ND4, ND400, ND64, Neutral Density, oil resistant, PHOTOGRAPHY, reverse, reverse GND, reverse grad, revo, revolution ring, Revoring, ring, scratch resistant, seascape filter, shatter proof, SHOTT GLASS, soft, soft filter, soft GND, soft grad, sunrise, sunset, toughened, variable, VIDEO, water resistant, zero colour cast
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